I am not the best salesperson in the world. I think it's a gene that I don't have. Forget about selling about selling refrigerators to Eskimos (or Inuits as the case may be), I couldn't sell them a blanket.
But you gotta. It's all part of the dance.
So yesterday I spent the day with the lovely ladies of The Pacific Palisades Junior Women's League. My friend and roommate Daniel Pontius, an interior designer, designed a home for their annual holiday home tour and was kind enough to feature my art. I decided to do some pieces for the 2 boy's bedroom's. I looked around their rooms to get some idea's of what they were into. I decided on planes for the 11yr old and a truck and and a guy playing with a yo-yo for the 5yr old. The 5yr old's very into the yo-yo thing. I also did a pair of antique diving helmets for the bathroom. These are obviously the images above.
I didn't know what to expect or how I'd be received. I was pleasantly surprised. The ladies were absolutely wonderful and welcoming. I received several inquiries for commissions and tons of compliments. It was a lot of fun and very inspiring.
So big giant thanks to everyone involved!